Independent Units
Services of Oil and Gas Unit
Iran is one of the oldest oil and gas producing countries. Currently, Iran has the world’s third oil reserve and the first natural gas reserve and it is generally the biggest reservoir of fossil energy reserves. Also, Iran has a unique potential in the area of renewable energies including solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydro energies.
Geographical situation and energy infrastructure have brought Iran a geopolitical energy situation.
Taking into account the above stated facts and an experience of a century, Iran has an extended and deep physical and non-physical infrastructure and capital in oil, gas, petrochemical and renewable energies.
Independent Oil, Gas and PetroChemical Unit of SUNIR is formed with a comprehensive attitude toward entering in international markets and intends to engaged in the below stated areas, using Iranian technical experience and knowledge within international cooperation with credible companies:
- Upstream oil and gas activates including oilfields studies and development,
- Transfer chain of oil and has including pipeline and pressure stations
- Oil and gas refiners
- Petrochemical plants
- Energy efficiency and renewable energies
- Oil, gas, products, petrochemical materials and equipment trading
Major work experiences of this unit are as follows:
- Iran – Armenia Gas pipeline Project
- Supply of refinery equipment
- Supply of petrochemical equipment
- Supply of pressure vessel